Supporting Roatan
Here are some of the ways CoCo View guests help the beautiful island of Roatan and protect the marine environment!
Direct donations of school and medical supplies
Can you make a little room in your suitcase for a kid? For years many CCV guests have filled the empty nooks and crannies of their suitcase with packs of pencils, crayons, notebooks, book bags and children’s vitamins. These items are collected at CCV and dispersed to the local schools and medical centers on Roatan by volunteers. All of these donated items go directly to improving the health and education of Roatan’s kids. Please bring your donated items to Dockside Dive Center or the office at CCV. It’s that easy! Thanks!
Roatan Children’s Fund
RCF was established many years ago as a way for CoCo View’s visiting guests to donate much needed school and medical supplies to the kids on Roatan. Expanding from serving one orphanage and a couple of schools, the RCF is now an island-wide program encompassing numerous schools, orphanages, medical clinics and educational centers/projects. 100% of all monetary donations go directly to help support the children of Roatan. A private donor pays all administrative costs and all staff is volunteers. Schools or organizations with a focus on children under the age of 18 are eligible for RCF services. RCF’s primary emphasis is on education, nutrition, and improving living conditions at the Majken Broby Children’s Home. The fund is administered by long-time CCV friend Lynn Finelli, and is now an official 501c. For more info on this program’s projects across the island, and to learn how you can help, visit
Roatan Marine Park
This grassroots program has taken on the task of preserving and protecting the reef system and marine life around Roatan. For more information on the Marine Park’s projects visit RMP’s website:
Andrea’s Roatan Kid’s Dental Care Fund

We love the smiles! Thanks, Dr. Grant!
CCV volunteers have started a dental fund for Roatan kids through Andrea’s First Aid Station. A lot of the kids on this island were never taught dental hygiene and many of them have rotten or missing teeth as a result. Andrea has created a program with Dr. Grant (an islander that trained in the US). He will do an initial cleaning and X-Ray for $20 for each child. Then he works with her on the cost of any necessary dental work to get their teeth healthy.
Andrea has put a lot of her time into this and all the donated funds go directly to the kids’ teeth. Her long-term plan is to be able to provide the first dental visit and whatever corrective procedures are needed and follow-up visits every 6 months.
In addition to Andrea’s time and the dentist’s willingness to discount his fees, Chloe (CCV bartender) and her husband Terry (CCV’s Bus driver) have volunteered to donate the transportation to & from the kid’s homes to the Dentist’s office. Children all over the island benefit from this program as funds become available. Eventually everyone will be smiling!
If you would like to donate Andrea has set up a PayPal account. is the address she uses for PayPal. Or you can mail a check to Andrea’s US mailing address: Andrea Martin, 16516 El Camino Real #150, Houston, TX 77062